
Blog  Post 8 EVALUATION OF YOUR BLOGGING EXPERIENCE Hello everyone, I know these days you are all very busy with many things to do in order to finish the semester successfully. I hope you pass all the subjects! Today´s task is to write about your experience writing blogs. I  hope  this activity has been a rewarding experience to all of you and also that you have been noticed that you are very creative people!!! We have been sharing our personal stories regarding to different topics and that has been awesome because I have never shared those thoughts and /or experiences with my students. So, I would like to know your reflections about this activity that we as teachers hope has been a real help for your learning process. Have a nice end of semester! Write about your experience using blogs in the English class. Say: -word count: 200 > What you think about the experience in general > How much you feel your writing skills have developed > What yo
BLOG POST 6 A SUBJECT YOU ENJOYED STUDYING THIS SEMESTER Hello again, dear students. Is everything ok with this special end of a semester? I hope so. We are about to finish! so that is why today , the task is  to write about an important part of your career:  SUBJECTS , how many subjects have you got this semester?  What was your favourite one? Why did you like it?  Do you think it meant a real contribution to your career?   Were the contents interesting?  Mention the positive aspects and the negative ones (if applicable). Use 180 words. Remember to leave comments on your teacher´s  and  on 3 of your classmates' posts.   
Post 7 A career-related website OR An expert on your field Hi everyone. This week you have two different topics to write about. The first one is about a career-related website you have visited and the second one is about an expert on your field you think represents a real contribution. According to my personal experience I would say that I haven't got just one favourite website. I´ve got plenty of them like those ones related to english teaching. They provide a lot of extra material which you can adapt and innovate. Almost all of them (of course) use digital technology which  is increasingly turning into a learning tool among others so specially language teachers may find on the web a variety of resources that will help them to continue bringing students into the broader world. Now, which topic are you going to choose? if you choose the first one, - provide the link - how often you visit it - say why it is your favourite one if you choose the second one, -include
Blog Session 5- A photograph I like I love photographs because they are visual images of powerful moments and each one is able to tell a story. Probably you have heard the old saying, “ A picture is worth a thousand words”. I think it is true. Moments happen all the time and they can happen fast, so capturing them is an amazing way to enjoy and re-lived some of the memories at anytime. This photograph was taken by one of  my students at FAU in 2014. It shows me with my students from Perú. They were from different cities (Cuzco, Lima, Tacna, Arequipa, etc) and they were doing a Master at Universidad de Chile. They really enjoyed the experience of living and studying in Chile. Studying English was a challenging task for them, that is why this photograph is important and emotional because we were celebrating they had concluded successfully the course (after a 1-year period)! Write about a photograph you like. Say: Who took it What it shows When it
Post 3:  Your favourite piece of technology Hello everyone! Welcome back to this blog session! Today we will be talking about our favourite piece of technology. Technology has impacted  our lives in many ways, and technological advancement has made our life easier than ever, so it is rather difficult just to think of "one favourite..." .   First, I would like to say that according to my own reflection, internet has been an amazing and revolutionary invention. It provides massive amount of information on different subjects. Today, students just press a button and they get all the desired results instantly while in the past (when I was a university student) they had to go to different libraries and spend hours searching for information. This is just an example among plenty of resources you may have access to. Second, I cannot omit the laptop. I own mine for five years and I guess it is my favourite device! I use it for work and personal purposes. I pre
Post 2 Why did you choose this career/study programme? Hello everyone! Today we have to think a little bit about the reason why we chose our careers. This question is all about getting to the heart of our motivation. I guess you already know that the teaching career in  Chile  is not associated with  lots of money, so that was not my inspiration when I decided to pursue my career. I have been passionate about teaching from a tender age because I used to teach my younger siblings. They were very good students and I enjoyed helping them to do their school assignments! However, my parents were who influenced my decision, particularly, my dad who supported and contributed with his point of view, his ideas, his loving care … his ten children ( a real large family!!! and a extremely hard task for mum and dad). I was so excited the first day I entered the university. I thought I had my future in my hands. At the beginning was tough because I was away ho
WELCOME TO THE BLOG SESSIONS 2020 ENGLISH 3- BLOG POST 1  I hope you enjoy this blog experience  this semester! Today you are going to write your autobiography. My autobiography  First, I would like to tell you that I was born and grew up in Santiago, so I have lived in this city for a long, long time, except for five years that I lived in Concepción. I studied at Espiritu Santo Elementary School, Liceo de H. de La Florida and Liceo Experimental in Concepción. I have the best memories of those school days. After finishing high school I took the PAA  and I entered the Universidad de Concepción to study Chemistry, but during the first year I realised that I was not good at numbers although science was one of my favourite subjects at school, so I started all over and I went to  Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and got a Bachelor´s degree in English Teaching. I started working as an English teacher many years after that because I was offered a job that seemed very intere